SunBorne selects Titan Tracker heliostat design for 1MW pilot solar power tower system in India. SunBorne Energy is developing a 1MW solar power tower system. This R and D project is jointly funded by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, and SunBorne Energy.
It involves the cooperation from international renowned solar experts such as Dr Yogi Goswami, Dr Manuel Romero and Dr Aldo Stienfeld. The collaborating institutions include University of South Florida, USA; IMDEA Energy, Spain; and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.
This project aims to address the current technology limitations present in Indian industry with an international team that has experience in power tower systems and energy storage. This R and D project will include a field of heliostats designed by TITAN TRACKER. SunBorne team is adopting Titan Tracker's heliostat design through unique field layout and indigenized mirror facet manufacturing technology.
Principal investigator of the R and D project, Dr. Nitin Goel stated 'We have selected Titan Trackers because of its performance according to our requirements but also combined with a relevant potential for cost reduction. This will allow us to achieve our targets for next commercial CSP projects in India'.
TITAN TRACKER heliostat design is characterized by its minimal deformations, zero backlash and continuous movement in azimuth proving extremely high accuracy and reliability.
Mr. Juan P. Cabanillas, Managing Director of Titan trackers explains 'We are really pleased to work with SunBorne as a business partner in India for a long-term cooperation. We are proud to have reached about 30% cost reduction in the manufacturing of our tracking systems and heliostats after the latest developments'